May 22, 2008

February …

… month that I
  • started dancing classes
  • took a subscription to the fitness annex swimming pool annex jacuzzi annex saunas at the Hilton Colon (sounds fancy, doesn’t it … well, it is!)
  • discovered the possibilities of web 2.0
  • ate my first real brown coconut (as opposed to the green coco that I had in Canoa during our New Year’s holiday)

Will and I continued our exploration of Quito by walking one Saturday to Guapulo on the eastern outskirts of Quito (great view over the valley behind Quito and beautiful church) and taking part in the Cyclopaseo through Quito.

The Cyclopaseo is a two-weekly event when a 30 km stretch of Quito - including Amazonas - is made car free and flooded by cyclists. A nice way to get to know the city better!

On the 17th of February, together with Piet, Lieve and some other Belgians, we went to climb the Illinizas Norte volcano. Piet and Lieve picked us up at 4.30 h in the morning, which was extremely painful due to Karla’s birthday party that had ended just few hours earlier …

Leaving Quito in the dark, we arrived at the parking at the break of day. We had a great view over the beautiful landscape, but - unfortunately - the surrounding volcanoes were clouded again …

After climbing a couple of hours, first through a high altitude forest and then through lower bushes, the slope became very steep and the higher we came, the more snow started to come down. Arrived at the mountain hut, we had a short break and then tried to go on. Snow, however, made the mountain rather dangerous and instead of going to the top, we decided to go and visit the lake between the two volcanoes. Pretty from far (the lake), but not a place where I would swim!

Excursus: The Illinizas is a twin volcano, the Southern one has a permanent snow cover, but Northern one - normally - no snow whatsoever … Yet another sign of climate gone astray! More proof of this we would get in the middle of March when on a glorious morning, mist had cleared up, thus granting us a view of at least 40 km into the distance, and all the mountains and volcanoes surrounding Quito were covered in snow!

Similar to our experience when climbing the Pichincha volcano, I felt nauseous climbing up and Will when going back down … we might just not be suitable for high altitude sports … :-(

Check our Picasa webalbum for more pics

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